Special Issue Description

Authors : R. U. Gadpayle and D. N. Lanjewar

Page Nos : 241-245

Description :
Abstract: Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) are very important microbial components of rhizosphere soil. The PGPR essentially defines plant-microbes interactions that may have far reaching consequences such as improving plant health as well as soil health leading to sustainability of ecosystem and increased agricultural productivity. The beneficial effect on plant by PGPR can be through direct action such as production of plant growth hormones and plant stress control or through indirect action such as reduction of plant pathogens by antibiosis, reduction of competition for nutrients, induction of systemic resistant, etc. The rhizobacterial population can be maintained by eco-friendly practices such as bio-fertilization. The bio-fertilization techniques are employed as modern agriculture practices and have immense potential for improving agricultural productivity in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner. These practices includes use of animal manure, composts, green manures, microbial inoculants (microbial fertilizers), arbuscular mycorhiza (AM), biosolids, vermicomposts, etc. It has also been reported that the rhizobacteria alter metal availability in soil by forming metal-complexes and favour healthy growth of plants under high metal stress or heavy metal stress. Further, pesticide degradation activity has also been demonstrated in various PGPR isolates resulting in enhancement of plant productivity. Thus, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are an indispensable microbial population required for better soil quality, high productivity and eco-sustainability. Keywords: Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR), Soil Quality, Metal Stress, Induced Resistance, Ecosystem

Date of Online: 30 Special Issue-1, March. 2015