Publication Ethics

The publication of a research paper / case study / short communication in a peer-reviewed journal is an important building entity in the development of a knowledge repository. In an age of information abundance, it is very important and vital to help readers and research scholars to segregate quality information. It is mirror reflection of the quality work of the authors and the publishers who support them. International Journal for Researches in Biosciences Agriculture & Technology (IJRBAT) understand the importance of publication ethics and we had established standards of ethical behaviour for all parties involved such as the authors, the peer review experts, the editors, and the publisher

International Journal for Researches in Biosciences Agriculture & Technology (IJRBAT) .is committed to ensuring robust peer review and ethical standards in publication and quality of articles. Strict adherence to standards of ethical practices as defined by Code of Conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) is expected from all the parties involved: Editors, Authors, Expert Reviewers and the Publisher. We work to educate researchers, authors, contributors, reviewers, and editors on understanding and delivering those standards, in partnership with others.

International Journal for Researches in Biosciences Agriculture & Technology (IJRBAT) is committed to supporting stringent peer review process, scientific , ethical and quality standards in publishing and as such we work hard to educate researchers, authors, board members, editors and reviewers on understanding and meeting those standards, as a team.

Role & responsibility of Editors:

Publication Decisions & Accountability

  • Confidentiality of contents & source
  • Disclosure, conflicts of interest, and other issues
  • Fair play
Role & responsibility of Reviewers:
  • Assistance to Editors
  • Confidentiality
  • Firm on Objectivity / Eradication of subjectivity
  • Promptness
  • Acknowledgement of sources
  • Disclosure and conflict of interest
Role & responsibility of Authors:
  • Reporting standards
  • Originality of contents and plagiarism
  • Avoidance of concurrent publication
  • Acknowledgement of sources, persons
  • Disclosure and conflicts of interest
  • Notification of Fundamental errors in published works
Role & responsibility of Publishers:
  • Editorial autonomy
  • Intellectual property and copyright
  • Scientific misconduct

International Journal for Researches in Biosciences Agriculture & Technology (IJRBAT) strict Code of Conduct and aims to adhere to its Best Practice Guidelines

Handling Publication Misconduct:

We have Publication Ethics Committee (PEC) which advices editors and publishers on all aspects of publication ethics and, in particular, how to handle cases of research and publication misconduct. It also provides a platform for its stakeholders to discuss such misconduct cases and encourages journal editors to ensure that cases are investigated by the appropriate experts’ teams.


All our journals are committed to publishing only original contents, i.e., contents that have neither been published in other journals, nor are under review elsewhere. Plagiarism in any form is not accepted and if found, it is notified to all the stakeholders and necessary actions will be taken and will incur plagiarism penalty. Corrected articles will be verified once again to ensure that it does not have plagiarism issues.

Duplicate Submission or redundant publication:

Multiple submissions are considered to be a serious academic misbehavior. Even when a publication fee is paid, it wastes the time and work of the editors and other stakeholders, and contributes to the problem it is intended to solve, the slow speed of editorial review. Scientific articles that are found to have been under review in other journal publishers, or to be published elsewhere, will incur duplicate submission penalties. The penalty will be decided by the Publication Ethics Committee (PEC). If contributors have used their already published work, or work that is currently under review, as the basis for a submitted work, they are required to quote / cite the previous work and indicate how their submitted work offers novel contributions beyond those of the previous work.

Improper Author Attribution:

All listed authors are expected to make significant scientific contributions to the research in the article and authenticated all its claims. It is important to list everyone who made a significant scientific contribution, including students, lecturers, professors, laboratory assistants & technicians.

Data Falsification:

Submitted research materials that are found to have falsified experimental outcomes will incur falsification penalty. The penalty will be decided by the Publication Ethics Committee (PEC)

Citation Manipulation:

Citation Manipulated articles are those articles that are found to include citations whose objective is to increase the number of citations to a given author’s work, or to articles published in a particular journal. These Citation Manipulated manuscripts will incur penalty. The penalty will be decided by the Publication Ethics Committee (PEC)