Special Issue Description

Authors : M. B. Lande, V.R. Phatake, P. B. Chavha, M.P.Chaudhari, S. S. Raundal and H. J. Salunke

Page Nos : 113-116

Description :
The issue of water analysis has become a big issue in today’s world. Water pollution mainly caused by organic and inorganic solutes, heavy metals (Hg,As,Pb,Cr,Cu,Zn,C detc) from human activities or industrial processes. This water pollution results different human health problems as well as destruction of biodiversity. The water pollution level that is increasing day by day it immediately need better development and discoveries of different technology. Nanotechnology offers many advantages to improve environmental technologies and also create new water pollution control technology that is better than the current technology. This article represents a short review based on the role of nanotechnology to control water pollution.

Date of Online: 30 ,Feb.2020