Authors : S. K. Waware and R. R. Kamdi
Page Nos : 1-5
Description :
Serpents exist one and only of the greatest widespread range chordates on the earth, frequently favour dry region on earth with relationships variety. Statistics composed founded on information from informers 12 varieties founded from Chimur Taluka, Chandrapur District. Accidently run into throughout labour in farming playing field and unfortunate understanding of the societies in over-all approximately let-down in discriminate amongst poisonous and non- poisonous species were foremost explanations after demolition of serpents from this area. Most important three poisonous species Spectacled Cobra, Russell’s viper, and Common Krait respectively. Necessity of serpent protection on the way to equilibrium ecological unit besides toward safeguard the foodstuff series remains highest contest recognized. Constant observing on snake types variety of the area is recommended. Serpents remain spread now several varieties habitations such as terrestrial and aquatic. Mostly, the snake species is located found in the waterless region of the biosphere.