Issue Description

Authors : Anil Khole

Page Nos : 28-33

Description :
Water is the most important nutrient for every animal, and it is essential to ensure that animals have ample access to clean water. Animal life requires a steady supply of water to fulfil its physiological/metabolic processes. Water keeps animal life functioning. It is well known that when waters run dry, people can’t get enough to drink, wash, or feed crops, and economic decline may occur. Of all the water on Earth, less than 1 percent is fresh and available to supply human demands. Feeding an additional 2 billion people by 2050 will require a 15 percent increase in water required (WWF, 2017). Water scarcity is a rapidly growing concern around the globe. Water harvesting and conservation of rainwater helps in recharging the aquifers. Storing rainwater helps in preventing urban flooding due to excess rain. Stored water is also used for irrigation practices. Harvesting has its importance in collecting natural precipitation from prepared watersheds for beneficial use. In scientific terms, rainwater harvesting refers to collection and storage and prevention of rainwater by different engineering interventions aimed at conservation. Studies have shown that water harvesting and conservation provide flexible solutions that can effectively meet the needs for domestic and agricultural uses. This review paper focuses on water consumption, harvesting and conservation for the entire 20th century.

Date of Online: 30 May 2022