Authors : Kumaresh S. Tikadara and Sanjaykumar R. Thorat
Page Nos : 60-70
Description :
Agriculture plays a main role to keep the environment stable. As most of the countries depend on agriculture for their economic growth and reduction in hunger and poverty. Agriculture faces serious difficulties in the coming decades. To secure long-term food security, food systems are evolving. According to new research, the effects of changing climate on agriculture systems and food systems may be more widespread than previously thought. Technology and science both play a very significant role in shaping the agricultural sector and growth of developing countries. Due to the advancements in every sector, an innovative technological boost is also needed for the traditional farming sector. Smart farming entails incorporating innovative concepts and technology into agricultural equipment, machinery, units and sensors for use in production systems. Due to the poor reach of all these technological solutions and lack of awareness, some region-wise extension practices should be identified to serve all the important updates to the farmer level. Hence the idea of this study is to quantify the problems of the farmers in the field and to make a sustainable technological solution for them. The aim was to characterize some best extension services among the farmers and to elicit the constraints regarding dissemination of extension. By identifying various difficulties of farmers, various extension practices, as well as some technological solutions, are recommended as sustainable adaptation strategies which will help to meet the future food requirements and cope with the future climate consequences.