Issue Description

Authors : Sharni P. Bajpai, B. S. Tapase

Page Nos : 22-26

Description :
The improper disposal of the plastics ends up in our environment resulting in the death of animals annually and reduction of fertility in soil. Day by day reduce and deteriorated environmental quality. It’s not only affect on animals but also many problems face by human beings. Due to mess of plastic on earth, plastic is not decomposed by microorganisms. They are present in nature as it is and increased solid waste, chocking sewage drainage, decrease soil fertility and also affect on rain water leaching, percolation to the ground due to this ground water table also affected increase plastic pollution. So, Bioplastic manufacture and its application and use have become essential part of our today’s life .Each and every work we used plastic and its products so it is persistent in nature and increase environmental nuisance. Bioplastic is an need of hour and it is also sustainable way. The biosplastic manufacture by using biodegradable materials they are totally decomposed and dissolved. This is an essential for reducing today's pollution because around 275 million tons of plastic waste is generated each year around the world (from the top five countries). Therefore, it is necessary to use bioplastic and manufactured on large scale. The bioplastics innovation would be a long term solution for plastic pollution.

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2022