Authors : Jalindarnath G. Bagal
Page Nos : 186-192
Description :
Herbs are major components of plant diversity and are an important segment of global biodiversity. The
weeds are uninvited guests in any cultivated fields, gardens, and non-irrigated places. Weeds are an
excellent example of the successful struggle for existence. The agro ecosystems show association of
various types of native and invasive weeds in crop plants. Weeds can be defined as the plant growing in
the wrong places from farmer’s point of view. In present paper attempts were made to survey the
herbaceous weed flora growing in Daund Tahsil from Pune district (M.S.) India. Daund Tahsil enriches
with herbaceous weed flora about 60 different species of 27 families. Each plant is studied with respect
to its botanical name, local name, family name, morphological characters and flowering and fruiting
period. Weed species belonging to Asteraceae, Poaceae and Amaranthaceae families are dominant in
this region. Some of dominant weed species are Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R. Br, Boerhavia erecta Linn. ,
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., Cyperus rotundus L. etc.