Authors : B. K. Avchar
Page Nos : 107-111
Description :
The allelopathic effects of 4-relatively abundant volatile compounds (Phenolic meroterpene, bakuchiol, limonene
and terpineol) present in the Cullen corylifolia Medik. (Psoralea corylifolia Linn. plant placed in the air tight jars
containing soil and water were studied on the seed germination, seedling growth of Cucumis sativus L. The
inhibitory effects of volatile compounds released in water have more inhibitory effects on seed germination and
seedling growth of studied plant. These volatile compounds at high concentrations inhibited the seed germination,
shoot length, seedling height but low concentrations were less inhibitory or stimulatory. All these volatile
compounds at low concentrations were slightly stimulatory to seedling of Cucumis plant. Water kept with plant
material of Cullen in airtight jar affects seed germination and seedling growth significantly than soil which
indicates that water absorbs some volatile substance(s) more from the weed plant which may be responsible for
allelopathic potential of this weed plant. The plant is chemically analyzed for the presence and confirmation of
stearic acid by HPTLC method. However, the presence of this chemical compound in the plant parts of Cullen
corylifolia Medik. was well correlated with the degree of their phytotoxicity.