Issue Description

Authors : Patil S.R., Kuchanwar O.D., Deotale R.D., Jiotode D.J., Kalamkar V . B. and Rathod A .

Page Nos : 33-37

Description :
Colchicine at 0.0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0% and 2.5% was used for induction of variation through polyploidy in marigold by two methods viz. seed treatment and root treatment during 2016. Significant variation was observed between seed treatment method and root treatment method for all the traits studied. In seed treatment method colchiploid plants survived in all the concentration, but in root treatment method colchiploid plants survived only upto 1.5% concentration. The plants were not able to withstand th e higher concentration of colchicines when roots were treated. The traits related to stomata, guard cell and pollen grain served as useful indicator for induction of variation through polyploidy. Frequency of stomata and pollen grain decreased with the in crease in concentration of colchicines. On the contrary the size of stomata and guard cell in terms of length and breadth and pollen grain size on terms of diameter increased with increase in concentration. In addition treated plants were having larger and thick leaves with deep green pigmentation as compared to the untreated control. Maximum number of types of variation were recorded in 0.5% colchicine in both seed and root treatment method. Seed treatment method was found to be more efficient than root tr eatment method in inducing variation through polyploidy. Seeds soaked in colchicine solution at 0.5% concentration for 12 hrs was found most effective in inducing large number of variants types. The variant plants scored on the basis of stomatal, guard cel l and pollen grain traits were labeled and harvested separately for further confirmation and evaluation.

Date of Online: 30 May 2017