Issue Description

Authors : S. S. Wankar and V. S. Wadhai

Page Nos : 241-243

Description :
Abstract: Soil microbial flora viz. PGPR and PSB play a vital role in improvement of soils physio-chemical properties and also helps plants by providing essential nutrients. Amendments of soil with fly ash increased the contents of minerals and essential trace elements except N2[1]. Microorganisms like PGPR helps to increase N2 content for crop plants. Molecular characterization of this soil microorganisms have been done by 16S r RNA gene sequencing method. The rRNA genes are the allied component of DNA of all organisms and 16rRNA is being used as biological maker of organisms [2]. 16Sr RNA gene sequencing has been used for phylogenetic study and to study the sequence similarity % with closely related species by using some data base like Blast Analysis and sequence alignment program CLUSTAL. Keywords: PGPR, bio-reclamation, 16s rRNA, gene sequencing.

Date of Online: 30 May 2015