Issue Description

Authors : M. A. Kale(a), C. P.Joshi(b), S. V. Moharil(c)

Page Nos : 539-545

Description :
In the system of CaO-Al2O3, CaAl4O7, CaAl12O19 and CaAl2O4 are more commonly studied. However, there is not much information available on the title compound Ca3Al10O18. Here we report the synthesis and luminescence for this compound. Ca3Al10O18 phosphorsactivated with various dopants were prepared by combustion synthesis. X-ray diffraction patterns were recorded on Philips PANalytical X’pert Pro diffractometer. PL characteristics were studied using a Hitachi F-4000 spectrofluorimeter, at room temperature, using 1.5 nm spectral slit width in the range of 200–700 nm. XRD pattern of the prepared compound matched well with the ICDD file 02-392. Characteristic luminescence of Pb2+, Ce3+, Eu2+ and Eu3+ was observed in the as prepared phosphors. Luminescence of Pb2+, Ce3+ is in UV region of the spectrum while that of Eu2+ in the blue. Weak emission of Eu3+ was predominantly in the 5D0 7F2 transition which is in the red region (611 nm).

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2014