Issue Description

Authors : Rane, V.I. and Suryawanshi, B.G

Page Nos : 139-144

Description :
The Gondia district is very famous as district of dams, ponds and pools in Maharashtra. This district has rich source of water bodies and serving for cultivation of Rice (Oryza sativa L.).The present study was conducted to find the impacts of Trapa bispinosa (water chestnut) in Goregaon taluka of Gondia district cultivating in the many ponds of rice fields. Total 07 numbers of rice field ponds are being used for the cultivation of water T. bispinosa (water chestnut) in study area. The ponds and wetlands possess rich and diverse biodiversity. T. bispinosa (water chestnut) is an excellent economical and medicinal winter crop from fresh water ecosystem grown in India. It is an aquatic nut crop grown mainly in the tropical and sub-tropical region, as submerged plant community. It thrives in the soft nutrient rich waters in the lakes, ponds and streams with neutral to slightly alkaline pH. The plant is well adapted to life at the water’s edge and prospers even when standard along muddy shores. In India, it is most commonly used as edible nut. It has potentiality to increase the economic standard of the rural farmers.

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2020