Issue Description

Authors : Shelke Prerna B., Malode S.N. & K.N. Sathawane

Page Nos : 188-192

Description :
BrassicacampestrisL. is not the crop of Vidarbha region. Hence, efforts were taken for the acclimatization and creating variations in quantitative traits of this crop through induced mutation for first time in this region. Sodium azide was selected as mutagen. Physiologically similar seeds were treated with different concentrations of sodium azide. Dry and Pre-soaked seeds were utilized for mutagenic treatments. Mutagen doses were determined on the basis of LD50.Treated seeds were used to raise M1 generation. M1 plant progeny was individually screened at vegetative and maturity state for morphological characters viz. number of leaves / plant , length and breadth of leaves, number of branches (primary, secondary and total ) per plant, number of pods / plant, pod size, number of seeds / pod, seeds weight i.e. single and 100 seeds weight were carried out on plant wise basis. The Results obtained indicate that considerable variation with respect to growth and yield components of B. campestris control and treated plants. 0.04%, 0.06% and 0.08% SA was found to be more effective in creating variations in morphological characters and seed yield at M1generation.

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2018