Issue Description

Authors : R. K. Mane and A. C Kumbhar

Page Nos : 1-2

Description :
Mosquitoes are vectors for many deadly and debilitating human diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, dengue, zika etc. For developing a suitable and effective health education policy, it is inevitable to understand the level of knowledge of the community, their attitude and practices in mosquito born diseases. The present study was carried out in an urban area of Solapur city. Total 500 families were selected for survey by systematic random sampling. Data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire during transmission season of mosquito born diseases. The collected data was analyzed and it is concluded that 90% respondents are agreed about the problem of mosquito and mosquito borne diseases. Government and people who are working in health sector intensified efforts towards creating public health education and mobilizing the community regarding the preventive measure they can take are important. Keywords: Mosquito borne diseases, mosquitoes, questionnaire, urban community, health education.

Date of Online: 30 Sep 2016