Special Issue Description

Authors : D. J. Jiotode , V. S. Khawale , N. K. Sahu and D. Patel

Page Nos : 216-218

Description :
A field experiment entitled on sesame varieties under different dates of sowing was conducted during 2013-2014 at Agronomy farm, college of Agriculture, Nagpur. The component was laid out in split plot design with five sowing dates 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 MW and two varieties replicated three times. Growth contributing characters viz., plant height, number of branches plant-1 and dry matter accumulation plant-1, were significantly higher in variety AKT-64 and found maximum during 2nd sowing date i.e. 27th MW during all growth stages. Yield contributing characters such as total number of capsules plant-1, seed yield plant-1, straw yield plant-1, seed yield q ha-1, straw yield q ha-1 and biological yield q ha-1, were significantly higher when sown in 27th MW, variety AKT-64 recorded significantly higher values for these parameters as compared to variety Western-11. Sowing beyond 28th MW significantly reduced yield of sesame.

Date of Online: 30 Special Issue -1,May.2015