Special Issue Description

Authors : P. N. Nasare

Page Nos : 112-114

Description :
The present study was carried out on Phytoplankton diversity of Sumthana Lake in Bhadrawati, dist.- Chandrapur, Maharashtra state, India during 2015-2016. The present paper reveals the phytoplankton diversity in Sumthana Lake. During this study, 44 genera of phytoplanktons were recorded out of 44 genera, 14 genera recorded for cyanophyceae, 25 genera for chlorophyceae and 5 genera for bacillariophyceae amongst three family members, chlorophyceae members found dominant and then cyanophyceae and bacillariophyceae. In case of chlorophyceae members, amongs them Vaucheria, Cosmarium, Spirogyra, Volvox Chara and Oedogonium were found to be dominant. In case of cyanophyceae members, amongst them Nostoc, Anabaena, Oscillatoria, Anacystist, Microsystis were found to be dominant. In case of bacillariophyceae, Diatoms was found to be dominant. This indicates that the plenty of phytoplanktons are available in the lake and maintaining the Ecological balance of the particular lake and will be helpful for the feeding zooplanktons and fishes which will maintain food chain and sustainable ecological balance of the lake.

Date of Online: 30 Special Issue -1,Feb .2016