Special Issue Description

Authors : Imran R. Mithani , N. R. Dahegaonkar and A. M. Chilke

Page Nos : 101-107

Description :
The lotic ecosystem is a unique ecosystem of the inland area.During their flow they cover land area of varying physical, chemical and geological features.Biodiversity plays a major role in maintaining natural cycle and ecological balance. These are the basis of existence, wealth of human beings and sustenance of nature on the earth. Among plankton zooplankton being the first consumers in the food chain of an aquatic ecosystem is placed at the second trophic level. They exhibit a major link between the energy transfer systems from the producers to the higher level of consumers in an aquatic ecosystem. As such, a water body is enriched with a potentially functional and dynamic community in the form of zooplankton. The present investigation aims at the qualitative and quantitative distribution of such a zooplankton in lotic ecosystem. During the study, samples were collected from four sites selected across the stretch of River Wardha. The samples were collected once in month for a year during October 2009 to September 2010. In the study, 39 species of zooplankton were identified belonging to four groups, Rotifera with 21 species, Cladocera with 12 species,Copepoda with 4 and Ostracoda with 2 species.

Date of Online: 30 Special Issue -1,Feb .2016