Special Issue Description

Authors : Padmavathi S. Rao

Page Nos : 32-35

Description :
Cytomixis was observed in one of the plants of Rhoeo discolour in the Botanical garden of J.M. Patel college, Bhandara. The cytomictic plant was morphologically similar with normal plants. Some meicytes in cytsomictic plant was mostly connected in series of 5-30 cells in non synchronous type i,e. the cytomixis did not take place in all the pollen mother cells simultaneously. The transfer of nuclei was observed only at interphase and was not seen in subsequent meiotic stages. Further, the flow of migration of the nuclei from one PMC into another was found to be unidirectional. In few cytomictic chains, PMC without nuclei and PMC with two or three nuclei were also observed. Pollen fertility was drastically reduced compared to control. The probable reasons for this cytomixis were discussed in the present paper.

Date of Online: 30 Special Issue-1, Dec. 2014