Special Issue Description

Authors : Bahekar V. R., Rahangdale P. K. and Thakare S. R.

Page Nos : 424-427

Description :
Improvement in the electrical properties of a newly obtained terpolymer(AOTMNA) derived from aniline(A), ortho toluidine(OT) and m-nitroaniline(MNA) after its conversion into nano composite material by incorporation of graphene oxide (GO) in the polymer matrix have been reported in the present research paper. The composite under present investigation has shown significant improvement in its electrical properties as compared to terpolymer alone. AOTMNA terpolymer was obtained by condensation polymerisation of the starting materials and its structure has been proved by physicochemical and spectral evidences. GO was prepared from graphite using a modified Hummers method. GO was used as a nano-filler for the fabrication of AOTMNA-GO composite. The results prove that composite formation improves the electrical properties of the terpolymer to a great extent. Key words: graphene oxide, terpolymer, composite, electrical properties, Hummers method.

Date of Online: 30 Special Issue-6 Oct. 2015