Special Issue Description

Authors : N. V. Harney

Page Nos : 48-54

Description :
Abstract: The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that as many as 80% of the world population is dependent on traditional medicine for their primary health needs(Bannerman RH., 1982). People living in the developing countries rely quite effectively on traditional medicine for primary health care. The art of herbal treatment has very deep root in Indian culture used the plants not only for curing diseases but also during several ceremonies. The art of herbal treatment has very deep root in Indian culture used the plants not only for curing diseases but also during several ceremonies (Singh J.S., 2002). The present study deals with ethnomedicinal plants use by the people of Moharli village of District Chandrapur (M.S.), India. The people from these region with a vast heritage of diverse ethnic culture and rich biodiversity is said to be a great emporium of ethnobotanical health. The use of plants as medicine antedates history. All most all civilization and culture have employed plants in the treatment of human sickness. Moharli village is surrounded by dense forest and the people collect the medicinal plant by their traditional knowledge which is used for some common diseases. But due to deforestation, loss of biodiversity and indiscriminate exploitation of wild and natural resources many valuable herbs are at the stage of extinction. The present survey was conducted for documented of traditional knowledge and practices of plants. The present paper enumerates traditional uses of 62 different plant species. Keywords- Ethnomedicinal plants, Moharli village, Uses.

Date of Online: 30 Special Issue-1, March. 2015