Special Issue Description


Page Nos : 218-221

Description :
Regeneration is the process of renewal, restoration and growth of damage part. Glucose is used by Gambusia affinis as a major source of energy for biological process.The increase or decrease of glucose show ill effect.Energy is required for the normal functioning of the organs in the body. Many tissues can also fat or protein as energy source but others, such as the brain and red blood cells; can only use glucose. Glucose is stored in the body as glycogen. When glucose levels are less it causes the hypoglycemia. Vitamin c is an essential component of the diet for proper health and growth.The nutritional importance of vitamin C and more specifically ‘ascorbic acid’. In human being the deficiency of vitamin c causes the scurvy.The vitamin C supplementation in he treatment of rheumatoid arthritis Gambusia affinis have high regeneration capacity and it’s a vertebrate model organism for regeneration studies.

Date of Online: 30 SCMB- Sonai Vol. VI (Special Issue 2), ,Feb 2018 .2018