Special Issue Description

Authors : Suman K. Buwa, Prakash P. Sutar, Ajaykumar B. Kadam, Akash S. Talekar and Smita S. Giri

Page Nos : 365-368

Description :
Last five months health department report of Kolhapur declared 72 deaths due to dengue & swine flu. This century recognized by majorly due to Climate change and it represents an issue of Health Problem so it specifies by action oriented Social Responsibility. Present situation of Swine Flu & Dengue fever is rapidly expand¬ing since last five month in Kolhapur. Increase in Population, fluctuation of Temperature, varied rainfall and increase in frequency of natural disasters, as well as non-climatic trends involving tourists, increase in solid waste, Hospital waste thrown on roadside, corrode foundry material ,industrial waste thrown in Panchganga river which pollutes natural sources of water and it becomes the home of mosquitoes, migration of rural peoples towards urban areas, demand of urbanization, and international trade and travel etc are expected to increase the prevalence of mosquito breeding sites, where survival mosquito increases, and it increases the speed of mosquito reproduction, the speed of viral incubation which distributes Swine Flu & dengue virus and its vectors, human migration patterns towards urban areas, and displacement after natural disasters. The burden of dengue disproportionately affects the poorer and slum area, due to increased environmental risk and decreased health care. Mobilization of social institutions is needed to improve the structural inequalities of poverty that predispose the poor to increased dengue & Swine Flu fever infection and worse outcomes. In this paper it explains factors of the climate change affects increase patients of Swine Flu & dengue and the issues of social responsibility. Keywords:- warm environment, increase of Swine Flu & Dengue Patients In Kolhapur, Social Awareness.

Date of Online: 30 Special Issue 3,Nov.2017