Issue Description

Authors : Jyoti S Ramteke

Page Nos : 4-14

Description :
Lh-Rh analogues may give the antifertility action by acting on the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Gonad axis that is either by changing the histology of normal reproductive tract, change in basal plasmatic concentrations of gonadotropins and by reducing the Lh receptors. Agonist analogs of Lh-Rh were originally developed as longer acting therapeutic agents to treat GnRH deficient patients. After early trials, it become apperant that chronic administration of these LHRH agonists, after a brief initial period of stimulation leads to paradoxical inhibition of gonadal functions in rodents, primates and humans. Lh-Rh agonist causing significant decrease in the sperm count (P<0.01) after 15 days as well as after 7 weeks also when compared with control. This may be due to deleterious effect of the drug on the Leydig cell that may consequently be responsible for testicular and epididymal dysfunction as a result of androgen deprivation. This may affect the process of sperm production and maturation in both organs leading to loss of fertility in treated rats.

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2024