Issue Description

Authors : S.B. Wadaskar, V.G. Manwatkar and D.P. Gogle

Page Nos : 167-172

Description :
The present study aimed to evaluate different nutritional and chemical compositions in shade-dried leaves samples of various plant species. No doubt fresh green leaves contain a high amount of nutritional and quality attributes. However, these fresh leafy materials are also highly perishable and after post-harvest, most of them are subject to goes waste. There are different methods of preservation among them; the shade drying method is most suitable as it retains all the nutrients and other mineral composition intact as suggested by various workers. Therefore in the present investigation shade dried leaves samples from seven different plant species which are underutilised viz. Berseem (Trifolium alexandrium L.), Alysicarpus vaginalis L. var. stocksii., Alternanthera paronychioides St. Hil., Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata), Radish (Raphanus sativus L.), Adulsa (Adhatoda vasica Nees.), and Bauchi (Psoralia corylifolia L.) were prepared and was assessed for various chemical composition viz. total carbohydrate, total chlorophyll, crude fat, crude fibre, total ash and acid insoluble ash. The results shows the prepared samples have 5.80% - 24.03% of total carbohydrate, 14.89 - 503.69mg/100g of total chlorophyll content, crude fat content ranges from 7.0% - 22.93%, crude fiber content ranged between 4.60% - 33.50% , total ash content was found to be 9.40% - 23.75% and acid insoluble ash content ranges from 0.43% - 4.87%.

Date of Online: 30 Sep 2022