Issue Description

Authors : A .A. Borkar, U. S. Indurkar

Page Nos : 265-269

Description :
Human lymphatic filariasis (LF), commonly called as elephantiasis because of swelling in lower limb, causative agent is W. bancrofti, B.malayi, and B. timori, a lymph dumping nematode parasite (roundworm) belongs to order spirurida.Mosquitoes bite can transmit parasiteCulex quinquefasciatus, Aedes and Mansoniacan transmit the infection in Asia. Manycountries (more than 50) conducting programme with aim of eliminate and reduce parasite transmission and permanently lower risk of infection in endemic countries. Filariasis is endemic in 17 state and six union territories, with about 553 million people at risk of infection, besides 44 million people suffering from symptomatically with lymphedema, hydrocele and elephantiasis. Survey was tackle to find out the frequency of disease due to lymphatic filariasis in Bramhapuri tehsil of Chandrapur District Maharashtra,India.In Chandrapur district very little information on lymphatic filariasis. Present study focused in tehsil Bramhapuri from Chandrapur district to study incidence rate of lymphatic filariasis. Examination of 20ul night blood sample by finger pricks and clinically examined for filarial disease of 14161 peoples were done by random sampling. Wuchereria bancrofti was identified as the causative parasite of filariasis. In the Bramhapuri tehsilfrequency rate of lymphatic filariasis overall was 0.41%. Overall frequency rate was higher in age group of above 40 years. Males were more affected than females by the filarial problem.

Date of Online: 30 May 2022