Issue Description

Authors : Miss. Shweta M. Lakhote, Dr. A. P. Sawane

Page Nos : 163-179

Description :
The honey is one of the most valued and appreciated nutritional and medicinal substance known to mankind since ancient times. Honey has a long medicinal history, and honey bees have been closely associated with human beings for a very long time. It is produced by bees from the nectar of flowers, which bees collect, transform and, store in the honey comb to ripen and mature. This review spotlights the physical, biochemical and therapeutic properties of honey, which were discovered by various researchers since last forty years. The review broadly discusses about the ancient history of honey and also composition, nutritional, therapeutic, medicinal properties of honey. Honey was also included along with cosmetic properties. Its effectiveness on human health and safety measures to be followed while using honey showed the path of future research. It is composed mainly from carbohydrates, lesser amounts of water and many minor components. It is rich in enzymes, phenolic acids, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, organic acids, amino acids, proteins and minerals. The knowledge about physicochemical parameters determines nutritional value, microbial safety, acceptability of honey.

Date of Online: 30 May 2022