Issue Description

Authors : B. S. Wanjari, S. G. Gubbawar, S. S. Asekar, S. S. Sardare and G. N. Jadhav

Page Nos : 1-3

Description :
Total 60 samples of khoa (thick, semi-soft evaporated milk product) collected from four different sources of Bhandara district (viz. East, West, North, South region) with stratified randomization technique and analyzed them during three different fortnights for their chemical quality and possible adulteration in Animal Husbandry and dairy science Section, college of Agriculture, Nagpur during year 2014-2015. Chemical quality and adulteration was analyzed in laboratory by legal method prescribed in ISI Hand book. It was found that on an average 28.77, 29.78, 30.98, 28.65 per cent moisture, 24.70, 26.06, 23.84, 30.53 per cent fat, 16.24, 16.88, 18.77, 17.98 per cent protein, 4.25, 3.74, 4.09, 3.4 per cent ash, 71.20, 70.21, 69.01, 71.34 per cent total solids, 0.68, 0.68, 0.59, 0.70 per cent titrable acidity in east, west, north and south region khoa samples respectively. Adulteration of starch was more found in east, west and south region khoa. However, north region khoa gives negative test for starch for only one samples, hence north region khoa superior over other in respect to starch adulteration. So it clarified the ideas about superiority of north region khoa over the other region with clearly fulfilling the BIS specification with minimum percent of adulteration. Keywords: Khoa, chemical quality, Sample

Date of Online: 30 May 2016