Issue Description

Authors : R. G. Pawar, R. R. Dandawate and R. S. Lonkar

Page Nos : 142-145

Description :
The present study deals survey of cestode parasites from fresh water fishes like Clarius batrachus from Godavari river at Pravarasangam in district Ahmednagar during January 2012 to December 2012.The present communication deals with the new species godavariensis from the genus Lytocestus is worm having head long. Testes numerous (400-500) in numbers. Cirrus pouch small, oval, pre-ovarian, transversally placed, cirrus straight thin, vagina long, coiled tube, vas deferens short, thin. Genital pores small, oval, obliquely placed. Ootype is small and oval. Ovary bilobed, on posterior side, each lobe contains 24-26 ovarian follicles, two lobes connected to each other by isthmus. Uterus wide convoluted tube filled with numerous eggs. Uterine pore is median and rounded. Eggs are operculated, oval in shape. Vitellaria are granular and corticular in position. Keywords: Lytocestus, Clarias batrachus, Godavari River.

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2016