Special Issue Description

Authors : R. K. Jumale , G. P. Urkude , Jyotsna Jumale, I. S. Mohurley & V. T. Zade

Page Nos : 14-25

Description :
India is a mega diverse country with about 8%of the world Biodiversity , high percentage of endemic floral and faunal species and 4 biodiversity hotspots. India is one of the 17 mega diverse countries in the world with 2.4% world area and 4% of fresh water, yet account for nearly 8 % of recorded species making it 3rd most mega diverse country(after brazil and costa rica )with highest concentration of species in Agasthymalai hill in western ghat. In India 10 Biogeographically zone the diverse physical features and climatic situations have formed ecological habitats like forests, Alpine forest, Grasslands , wetlands coastal and marine ecosystem, desert ecosystem etc. India has 4 out of 34 Global Biodiversity hotspots which is an indicator of high degree of endemism in india. India has 16 major type and 251 sub type forests. Now a days biodiversity is under sever threat both within and outside protected area due to the loss of or fragmentation of its habitat to competing used. India has taken number of proactive measuresrelated to Biodiversity conservation. The Biodiversity act of 2002 provides for access and benefit sharing related to traditional knowledge and to promote sustainable use of Biodiversity.

Date of Online: 30 16,July.2020