Special Issue Description

Authors : P. H. Rohankar and S. A. Kale

Page Nos : 22-25

Description :
The Study Was Carried out to determine the relationship between Fasting Blood Sugar and HbA1c (Glycated hemoglobin). Fifty geriatric Patients of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus with age and sex Matched controls were included. The study was conducted using a single center in serial camps organized by Diabetic Association, Branch of India Amravati (MS). Fasting Blood sugar was tested by glucose oxidase peroxidase (GOD –POD) method and HbA1c by NycoCard READER II .We observed the positive correlation between fasting Blood glucose and HbA1c in control group as 0.1455 which was non significant and in the study group (geriatric type 2 Diabetes Mellitus ) Positive correlation as 0.9061 which was significant. Keywords:-Diabetes, Type 2, HbA1c, FBS, Geriatric Patients

Date of Online: 30 Special Issue No. 2,July.2017