Issue Description

Authors : Umesh Naik, Nilesh Ugemuge, Ashok Mistry

Page Nos : 16-27

Description :
Isaac Newton first proposed the three laws of motion in his Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), that was published in 1687. In doing so he laid the foundation of Newtonian mechanics. Lift-off of a rocket from a resting position from a launch pad could be said to represent all three Newton’s laws of motion. This article deals with the theoretical aspects of happenings at the atomic and molecular level - the interaction between nozzle atoms of a rocket and the high velocity exhaust gas molecules flowing through the nozzle - when a rocket lifts off and moves further. This interplay between nozzle atoms and exhaust gas molecules could be the driving force behind the motion of a rocket. In this paper theory and its explanation about interplay between nozzle atoms and exhaust gas molecules has been discussed in detail.

Date of Online: 30 May 2022