Issue Description

Authors : Suyog Surendra Mankar

Page Nos : 110-112

Description :
The 3Rs are very important for environment protection. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle provides us environmentally friendly ways to reduce pollution, energy problems and negative impact for rapidly growing waste materials on Earth. It is observed that student’s knowledge and behaviour about Reduce, Reuse and recycling of material are not developed properly to the extent which needed. So, for conservation of energy sources and conservation of environment it is necessary to focus on Reduce, Reuse and recycling of material. For this, the purpose of this study is to find out the knowledge and behaviour of under graduate level students about Reduce, Reuse and recycling of material and to find out waste disposal behaviour. For this study random sample of 100 students of different classes were selected. Collection of data was done through self-developed questioner and interviews of students. Self-developed questioner is mainly consisting of questions about knowledge of students about Reduce, Reuse and recycling of material, all primary data was collected with the help of questionnaires, interviews, group discussions and by observations. After processing data final conclusions are drawn. This study observed that many students knows about the consequences of avoiding Reduce, Reuse and recycling of material but do not act on them. Many students think that their small amount of trash is not going to make a difference. But proper guidance and activities can improve their behaviour towards Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Date of Online: 30 Sep 2020