Issue Description

Authors : Rajesham P. and Ramadevi B.

Page Nos : 143-151

Description :
Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper is a warm-season legume that is nutrient dense and contributes to food security. The availability of metals in the atmosphere due to industrial and human activities is a global problem. The main purpose of this study is to determine the sodium chromate (Na2Cro4) contamination in water, soil and plants is a serious health problem worldwide. At the end of 20 days of treatment we studied the effect of aqueous solutions of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 and 3.0% Sodium chromate on seed germination and seed growth of Vigna mungo, significant reduction in root length, shoot length, seed length, roots Growing length / shoot length ratio (cm) and fresh weight, germination% were observed when increasing chromate concentration. Shoot, root, seed length, seed dry weight and V. mungo root / shoot ratio responded differently to all growth parameters. V. mungo with all treatments of chromium. The seed germination rate of mungo was also reduced. Chromium treatment at 3% produced a plant 2.4 cm tall with effects on root, shoot and seed length of V. mungo compared to control. V. mungo at 3% of sodium chromate. Dry weight loss of mung bean seeds was reduced and became more prominent with increasing concentration at 3% in sodium chromate treatments. Increased ration of chromium on the surface compared to control reduced tolerance indices and seed strength index of 3% for chromium treatment. Tolerance indices and seedling vigor index of 3% for chromium treatment decreased with the increase in chromium concentration in the substrate as compared to control. More reduction in seedling tolerance and seedling vigor indices percentage of V. mungo was recorded at 1.0 % for chromium treatment. There was further reduction in seedling vigor and tolerance indices of V. mungo at 3% of Sodium chromate concentration as compared to control.

Date of Online: 30 Sep 2020