Issue Description

Authors : P. S. Jadhav and V. S. Patil

Page Nos : 39-41

Description :
Abstract: Allelopathic effects of two fencing plants were studied on seed germination and sprounting of seedlings of jowar, wheat, bajara, gram, mung bean and cowpae. for this study 1% leaf extracts of Vitex negondo and Lantana camera were used. Percent germination as well as seedling growth of test crops was significantly lowered by the aqueous leaf extracts of fencing plants. While on an average jowar, bajara, wheat and gram were equally sensitive to toxic response. The extract of fencing plants significantly inhibited the seeding growth of jowar ,bajara wheat, mungbean and cowpae while the extract was stimulatory to seedling growth of gram. Keywords – Allelopathy, Vitex, Lantana,

Date of Online: 30 May 2015