Issue Description

Authors : V. K. Rewatkar

Page Nos : 36-38

Description :
Every institution would like to be recognized for certain of its attributes which make it “distinct” or one of its kinds that are reflected in all its activities in focus and practice. The focus of NAAC, as the vision statement says about quality and quality culture by HEI in terms of three markers; quality initiative, quality sustenance and quality enhancement which may be institutionalized. The best practice in an HEI can be resulted into high value impact on any aspect of educational and social activity in that institution. Thus the ‘Best Practice’ must be value-added practice, when it shows its sustenance in the present day setup of fast-paced educational innovation. The practice can be identified as the best practice when it satisfies the maximum stake holders (students, teacher, parent, Alumni and employee). Modern age is called an economic age in which money plays an important role. The development of people, the society and the nation is depend upon the sources of income. In the village number of people live with minimum fascilities as poverty and unemployment are the main features of rural India. The number of job seekers is increasing day by day and government cannot afford jobs to all of them in public sectors. Hence way of self employment is the solution to reduce this problem. ‘Apiculture’ can ensure enhancement of family income at less investment and more profit. Apiculture is the commercial production of honey (which has been an important element in the sweet diet of man) and bees wax using modern scientific and commercial method. ‘Apis’ is the generic name of honey bees. In India Bee Culture or Apiculture is practiced as Cottage industry providing employment to lakhs of people.

Date of Online: 30 May 2019