Issue Description

Authors : M. J. Hedau

Page Nos : 213-215

Description :
The present paper describes how the microcontroller works in the information system. In last 40 years a silent but rapid revolution as far as electronics computing communication and control are concerned. Proof of this statement would be available in mobile handset, MP 3 player, automatic washing machine, microwave oven, portable digital blood pressure measurement and many more medical instruments, billing system in STD phone etc. This list is enormous and growing exponteally. All these are possible because of usage of Microcontroller and having a PC which involves from microprocessor. Temperature is certainly among the most commonly measured parameters in industry, science, and academia. Recently, the growth of wireless instrumentation technology, along with some clever innovations, has provided new ways to apply temperature measurement sensors combined with personal computers to collect, tabulate, and analyze the data obtained.

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2018