Issue Description

Authors : V. G. Manwatkar, S.B. Wadaskar, D.P. Gogle

Page Nos : 57-61

Description :
The biological value of leaf protein is depends upon its digestibility. The Concentrated form of leaf protein is called as leaf protein concentrates (LPC). It is lessexpensive and most abundant source of available protein and equivalent to most of the animal protein source. The use of leaf protein concentrates (LPC) for the human and animal consumption it is necessary to check its digestibility. In the present investigation, In Vitrocomparative study of protein digestibility of leaf extract (LE) and leaf protein concentrates (LPC) of ten different wild and cultivated plant species has been carried out. The present experimental finding reveals that the protein digestibility of leaf protein concentrates (LPC) were found to be more (67% to 84% ) as compared to leaf extracts (60% to 80%)

Date of Online: 30 Sep 2018