Issue Description

Authors : Amit Saraf and AlkaChaturvedi

Page Nos : 36-38

Description :
Empirical knowledge regarding the utility and efficacy of herbals is the foundation of traditional medicinal system like Ayurveda. EmbeliaribesBurm. F, commonly known as vaividang, vavding or vidang, is widely used in Ayurveda for its rejuvenating property in the preparation of panchanimbadivati, sanjivanivati and chandraprabhavati. The plant is utilized for its antifertility and anthelmintic activity. It also features among highly traded plant species from India. Phytochemical standardization of such medicinally important plant was carried out as per the guidelines mentioned in WHO and various pharmacopoeias. Proximate studies and extractive values of dried fruit powder were performed to examine the suitability of crude sample. Optimization of solvent for extraction aided to improvise the HPTLC studies. HPTLC fingerprints will help in identification as well as authentication of the plant under study.

Date of Online: 30 Sep 2018