Issue Description

Authors : Prashant C. Shahare

Page Nos : 72-75

Description :
Assessment of Phytoplankton as pollution indicator using Palmer index were carried out at 8 stations during throughout the two year samples were collected at monthly intervals during Feb-2010 to Jan-2012 from different water bodies of Chulband River in Gondia district. In this paper Palmer pollution index indicates that organic pollutants contaminate the Chulband River. Palmer’s algal genera pollution index varies in between 5 to 28.6 which indicates organic pollution in some stations. Some have probable evidence of high organic pollution and some have lower figure which indicates that the pollution is less. Spatially and temporarily, certain plankton genera are present in common which include like Ankistrodesmus, Chlorella, Closterium, Euglena, Navicula, Nitzschia, Oscillatoria, Phacus, Phormidium, Scenedesmus, Stigeoclonium and Synedra. In the study sites of Chulband River indicates that the water is exposed to organic pollution except Jambhali and Chulband dam stations. Continuous monitoring of the river is necessary.

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2017