Issue Description

Authors : Ruchi Tiwari and Meena Khare

Page Nos : 35-36

Description :
The aim of the present study is to evaluate the impact of Air pollutants (PM10, SO2 and NOX) on some biochemical parameters of Albino rat. Three different sites of Indore city viz; Kothari market (commercial), Sanver road (industrial) and Vijay nagar (residential) were selected for investigation . Animal was exposed for four months (June to September) on these sites and Blood samples were collected for estimation of Protein (g/dl) and Glucose (mg/dl) level. Results indicate the decreased level of Protein and Glucose (P<.01%). Pollutants level of these sites was more than tolerable limit. The values of experimental group were significant checked by student T-test. The study reveals that Air pollutants adversely affect on biochemistry of Albino rat

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2018